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Fujian Science and Technology of Rice and Wheat
2019 Vol.37 Issue.2
Published 2019-06-30

1 Breeding of Waxy Hybrid Rice Combination Jianuo 2 You 2 with Good Grain Quality
HUANG Rong-hua, ZENG Yong-de, FAN Fu-ying
Jianuo 2 You 2, derived from the waxy CMS line Jianong wx 2A and the waxy restore line Jianuohui 2, is a new waxy hybrid rice combination developed by College of Crop Science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. It was registered and released for commercial production by Guizhou Crop Variety Appraisal Committee in July 2018. It is characteristic of good grain quality, high and stable yield, etc. The breeding procedure, yield performance, characteristics and the high-yielding technical points of cultivation and seed production of this waxy hybrid rice combination were introduced in this paper.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 63 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 946KB] ( 1489 )
6 Analysis High Yield, Stable Yield and Adaptability of Early-maturing Indica Hybrid Rice Variety Huangyou 308
WANG Hong-fei, ZHOU Peng, CHEN Chun-xia, ZHENG Fei-yan, DONG Rui-xia, TU Shi-hang, YOU Qing-ru, HUANG Ting-xu
In order to provide a basis for popularization and application of an early-maturing Indica hybrid rice new variety Huangyou 308,the yielding ability, yield stability and adaptability of Huangyou 308 was analyzed by using the data of regional tests and production tests of early-maturing rice during 2016-2017 in Fujian. The results showed that Huangyou 308 was an early-maturing Indica hybrid rice new variety with highly application value and super high-yielding potential, and had excellent yielding ability and yield stability, wide suitable planting area and strong adaptability, and it had a wide prospective use in the earlymaturing rice cultivation district of Fujian province and surrounding provinces.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 6-9 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 1033KB] ( 1634 )
10 Detection and Analysis of Rice Quality of High Quality Rice Varieties in Fujian
LI Qing-hua, ZHENG Ping-li, ZHENG Chang-lin
The physical and chemical indexes of appearance quality and edible quality of 32 high-quality rice varieties evaluated in Fujian Province in 2018 were tested and analyzed. The results showed that the transparency of all high quality rice varieties reached the first grade standard of quality. The rate of reaching the standard of chalkiness, amylose and gel consistency was higher, but only one of them did not reach the standard of high quality. However, the rate of reaching the standard of alkali spreading value was low (81.3%), which should be further improved.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 10-12 [Abstract] ( 64 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 982KB] ( 1906 )
13 Quality Differences of Main Crop and Ratoon Crop Rice
9 main rice varieties in Jianyang were used to analyze the differences in milling quality, appearance quality and cooking quality of main crop and ratoon crop. Results showed that compared with main crop, ratoon crop rice had higher percentage of brown rice, percentage of milled rice, percentage of head rice, lower percentage of chalky grain and chalkiness degree. There is also some differences in alkali spreading value and amylose content. Comprehensively, the ratoon crop rice had higher quality than main cop rice.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 13-15 [Abstract] ( 59 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 952KB] ( 1544 )
16 Machinery Harvesting Techniques of Ratooning Rice for High-Yield and High Efficient
Ratooning rice has the advantages of good quality, green production, cost-saving and high efficient, and is extremely popular with consumers. Research on full mechanized ratooning rice production was carried out in Jianyang recently, as mechanized production had characteristics of short growth duration, high yield, good quality, green production, cost-saving and income increasing. Machinery harvest techniques of ratooning rice were introduced.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 16-19 [Abstract] ( 37 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 1026KB] ( 1553 )
20 High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Mechanized Harvesting Ratooning Rice for Large Scale in Pucheng County
YANG Zhi-ying
Large scale experimental test of mechanized harvesting ratooning rice was conducted in Xianyang professional cooperative association in 2018, it covered selecting proper variety, darkening seedling raising, formulated fertilization, soil drying, rational application of nitrogen for bud development and boosting tiller, stubble height, achieved sowing once and harvest twice, labor and cost saving, equilibrium production.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 20-22 [Abstract] ( 57 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 978KB] ( 1439 )
23 Characteristics and High-Yielding Cultivation Techniques of Mechanized Transplanting Late Rice Yongyou 1540
DING Bao-ling
Mechanized transplanting late rice Yongyou 1540 had the characteristics of more effective panicle number, large pancle and more spikelets, high seed setting percentage, balanced yield structure, good stablility. nevertheless it also had the disadvantage of weak tillering ability and susceptible to bacterial blight disease. The high-yielding cultivation techniques cover sowing in time, adaquate basic seedling, scientific management of fertilizer and water, prevention and control of rice bacterial blight and chilo suppressalia.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 23-25 [Abstract] ( 58 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 1001KB] ( 2975 )
26 Mechanized Cultivation Techniques of Yongyou 4949 as Ratooning Rice
HUANG Fu-sheng
A three-line Indica-Japonica hybrid mid-season rice variety Yongyou 4949 was bred with Yongjing 49A as female parent and F9249 as male parent by Ningbo Seed Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Jiahe Biotechnology Co., Ltd. From 2017 to 2018, machine-transplanted and machine-harvested of ratooning rice was introduced into Shuiyuan Township of Jian,ou City. The first crop of rice showed regular growth, compact plant type, high seed setting rate, good yield and moderate resistance to rice blast. In the regeneration season, the performance was good. The mechanized planting performance and high yielding cultivation techniques of Yongyou 4949 as ratooning rice in Shuiyuan Township of Jian,ou City were summarized.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 26-28 [Abstract] ( 35 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 996KB] ( 3834 )
29 Rice-fish Cultivation Techniques of Medium-ratooning Rice
WANG Ye-kang
Rice fish culture is composite model, which organically integrated of rice production and aquaculture, produce added value of paddy field, bring social and ecological benefits. Rice cultivation techniques, carp culture techniques of rice-fish cultivation system of medium-ratooning rice in Changting and its economic benefits were summarized.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 29-30 [Abstract] ( 68 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 905KB] ( 1425 )
31 Demonstration of Green and Unified Prevention and Control Techniques of Rice Diseases and Pests
LIN Da-rong
In 2017-2018, green and unified prevention and control techniques of rice diseases and pests were demonstrated in grain production area in Tongan Town, and achieved remarkable results. Compared with traditional chemical control technology, pesticides times and doses Decreased by 2~3 and 37.6%, cost reduced 400RMB per hm2, grain production increased by 12.8%, income increased 2835RMB per hm2.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 31-34 [Abstract] ( 42 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 1090KB] ( 1749 )
35 Studies on the Extraction Process of Total Flavonods in Black Brown Rice of‘ Zinuo No.1’
YE Ning, CHENG Chao-ping, YANG De-wei, YE Xing-fu, ZHENG Xiang-hua
In this study, the extraction process of total flavonoids by ethanol was optimized in the Black Rice Variety Zinuo No.1 Breeded of this Project. The effects of different factors on extraction rate of flavonoids were studied and the optimum extraction conditions were established. The optimum extraction process is summarized as follow:ethanol, 70%; extracting duration, 60 minutes; extracting temperature, 50℃; ratio of solid to liquid, 1:25 and rotating speed,100 rpm/min. Under this condition, the total flavonoids content in colored brown rice was 4.25%.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 35-37 [Abstract] ( 46 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 1160KB] ( 1566 )
38 Planting Performance and High-yielding Cultivation Techniques for Jiafengyou 2 Planted as Late Rice in Shunchang County
ZHANG Liang-quan
Jiafengyou 2 was a new single-cropping indica-japonica hybrid rice variety, developed by Zhejiang Kedefeng Seed Industry Company and Jiaxing Academy of Agricultural Sciences, derived from Jiahe 212A and P025. Jiafengyou 2 was introduced and planted in Shunchang County of Fujian Province during the year of 2017-2018, its characteristics showed high quality, high yield, strong disease resistance, and wide adaptability. It is adapted to plant in Yangdun Township, Shunchang County as late rice. In this paper, we summarized planting performance and high-yielding cultivation techniques for Jiafengyou 2 as late rice in Shunchang County.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 38-39 [Abstract] ( 61 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 949KB] ( 2384 )
40 Planting Performance and High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Jingliangyou 534 as Post-tobacco Rice in Qingliu County
XIE Qian-hong
An indica two-line hybrid rice variety Jingliangyou 534 was bred by Jing4155S and R534, which registered and released by National Crop Variety Examination and Approving Committee in 2017. The demonstration planting of post-tobacco rice in Qingliu County from 2017 to 2018 showed the characteristics of vigorous growth, strong adaptability, high-yielding and high quality. The planting performance and high yield cultivation techniques of Jingliangyou 534 as Post-tobacco were summarized in Qingliu County.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 40-41 [Abstract] ( 65 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 929KB] ( 1922 )
42 Planting Performance and Cultivation Techniques of Mechanized Transplanting Post-tobacco Rice Taiyou 2068 in Shunchang County
CHEN De-yuan
Taiyou 2068 was a three line late hybrid rice derived from TaifengA/Guanghui 2068, and developed by Guangxi Hengmao Agricultural Sci-technology Company, Rice Research Insititute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jiangxi Xiandai Seed Industry Company. It was grown in Tianxi and Juncang Village of Yangdun Township in 2018, had the characteristics of moderate growth duration, high yield, nice panicle coloring and good quality.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 42-44 [Abstract] ( 56 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 1045KB] ( 1942 )
45 Comparative Test of New Mid-season Rice Varieties in Zhenghe County
YE He, YE Cong, ZHANG Li-hua, XIE Bao-ai
Twelve new mid-season rice varieties were introduced into Zhenghe County in 2018 for comparative experiment. Yongyou No. 9 was used as the control, which has been widely planted in Zhenghe County in recent years, and the growth period, main characters and yield were compared. The results showed that Yongyou 1540, Shenliangyou 5814 and Longliangyou Huazhan had high yield, good traits and moderate growth period, which could be used as the dominant or main mid-season rice varieties in Zhenghe County.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 45-48 [Abstract] ( 56 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 1196KB] ( 1395 )
49 Regional Testing of New Spring Soybean Varieties in Qingliu County
LUO Zheng-xiang
In 2018, Qingliu County Agricultural Bureau undertook the regional testing of spring soybean varieties in Fujian Province. Based on the comprehensive investigation of growth period, yield, plant height, lodging resistance and deciduous characteristics, Fudou 12, Sudou 29 and Huachun 11 were suitable for further regional testing, and Quandou 17 had good comprehensive characters and was suitable for production testing. The yield, economic and biological characteristics of the regional testing varieties were summarized.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 49-53 [Abstract] ( 55 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 1248KB] ( 1374 )
54 High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Sweet Corn Mintian 6855 in Spring
DU Bi-fang
A fresh-eating sweet corn Mintian 6855 was a single cross maize hybrid, which was bred in Crop Research Institute of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences by crossing Mintian 688 and Mintian 0155. It was registered and released by Fujian Crop Variety Examination and Approving Committee in 2016. In 2018, demonstration planting was carried out in Huangcheng Village, Shangjing Town, Datian County. The average yield per 667 m2 of fresh corn(with clothing) was 1 245.6-1 310.5 kg, and the output value was 2 860-3 140 yuan. The results showed that the seedling growth was strong, the plant type was compact, the stem and resistance was strong, the quality and commodity was good. Summarize the high-yielding cultivation techniques of Mintian 6855 in Spring
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 54-55 [Abstract] ( 59 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 948KB] ( 1915 )
56 Production Status and Development Countermeasure of Hybrid Rice in Jianyang District of Nanping City
YOU Jing
By investigating the popularization and application of hybrid rice in Jianyang District of Nanping City, this paper analyzed the present situation of hybrid rice production, discussed the key factors and existing problems affecting the popularization and application of hybrid rice in Jianyang District of Nanping City, and put forward suggestions and Countermeasures for the rational utilization of hybrid rice varieties in Jianyang District of Nanping City, in order to provide guidance for the popularization and application of hybrid rice varieties in the future.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 56-59 [Abstract] ( 45 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 1164KB] ( 1825 )
60 Analysis on the Inspection and Detection System of Agricultural Product Quality and Safety in Shunchang County
LIU Qing
The current situation and existing problems of agricultural product quality and safety inspection system were analyzed and discussed in Shunchang County, Fujian Province.Finally, the paper puts forward some optimization suggestions to further improve the quality and safety level of agricultural products in Shunchang County.
2019 Vol. 37 (2): 60-61 [Abstract] ( 55 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 950KB] ( 1316 )
Fujian Science and Technology of Rice and Wheat
Fujian Science and Technology of Rice and Wheat
Copyright © 2011 Editorial By Fujian Science and Technology of Rice and Wheat
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